Leakages in the Facebook structure : is facebook’s fall imminent ?

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Facebook is no doubt the world’s largest social media platform. a very large percentage of facebookers are business men and women who hope to take advantage of the social platforms large fan base to build formidable audiences of their businesses. facebook in turn earns millions of dollars from adverts placed by these businesses.
A juxtaposed appraisal of facebook with google will show you that the former is far from solid. the solidity of any company lies in the the satisfaction and fanatical patronage it commands from clients/customers. when 2go came up, it took the whole world in one sweep. but with the advent of facebook, it crept back into oblivion. as facebook waxed strong and toppled all competitors in the social networking world, it began to have leakages that may bring it down to the bottom of the ocean like the titanic.
Now let’s look at the leakages that may soon sink this great ship.
1. OVER-POPULATION: The population of people on facebook outweighs that of other networks by far. with millions of fake profiles makes the social giant liable to breakdown someday. No matter how strong the structure, time will come when this big ship will “over-carry and consequently “mis-carry”
2. Customer support:
a very bitter loophole in the facebook structure is the lack of support. Due to lack of experience and skills, registered FB users cannot fix problems by themselves as they are not aware of the methods to troubleshoot problems at their end. but facebook seems to lack the man power required to service the complaints of their clients. i have personally had to try contacting the facebook team, over three years now i never heard from them. sometimes i wonder if facebook has anything like support. aside their automated responses, no one has ever experienced any interaction with facebook support. let’s look at the structure of other web giants like google. there is an active customer support that is always there to take care of the needs of their clients. with the over population of the social media, one would expect a large support framework that can directly relate with their clients. i don’t know why facebook would want to rely on support forums (that take ages to get any response) and their automated systems. see below a customer complaint from Donna Bell

Very poor customer service. FB customer advisors (that is if they have any) are unhelpful and lack etiquette. Indignant of customer complaints and refuses to apologise for lack of service. Won’t recommend using social media service to contact vitality if you want an efficient response!

3. security flaws
Facebook claims it has over 400 million users. But are they well-protected from prying eyes, scammers and unwanted marketers? are they actually fighting the problem of security from the roots? Facebook is one of the most popular sites in the world. … Security holes are being found on a regular basis.many people have had their accounts shut down for one reason or the other, or security verififcation processes that never seem to end.
Facebook came under fire sometime ago, when 15 privacy and consumer protection organizations filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, charging that the site, among other things, manipulates privacy settings to make users’ personal information available for commercial use. Also, some Facebook users found their private chats accessible to everyone on their contact list – a major security breach that’s left a lot of people wondering just how secure the site is.
in their bid to avert spammers facebook has blocked hundreds of legit websites and businesses without any apologies or prior notice or even fair investigation. on the facebook platform many active advertisers (that pay millions of dollars to facebook) have reported of being blocked as “spammers”
RESEARCHERS FOUND A SECURITY flaw which allowed users to alter conversations on Facebook’s Messenger app after they were sent.
Security company Check Point, which uncovered the flaw, said it could have been used to “modify or remove any sent message, photo, file, link, and much more” without the person on the other end realising.
The team said the potential damage of this flaw could allow someone to tamper, alter or hide important information and claimed it could be used to distribute malware by changing a normal link into a malicious one.
The attacker could also continue to update the link as a way of outsmarting the app’s security measures. aside that the security structure of facebook targets preset spammers, based on “community standards” (which most times leave innocent people as victims). what is facebook doing about the leakages in its security structure? for how long would they continue to block legit sites and businesses in the name of fighting “spam”? when would facebook start carrying out fair investigations of sites and businesses before their automated systems get them blocked? A number of friends have complained that facebook even requested them to upload their pictures for verification on their servers before their accounts could be verified. what rotten request! how can you verify the pics of someone you do not have any true records of their pictures on your servers? many of the people who tried this complained that their accounts never got recovered as their pics never got confirmed. why would facebook resort to victimization instead of admitting their flaws? accounts are hacked increasingly in their thousands each day, which way to go oh facebook?? Facebook enabled an automatic facial recognition feature in June 2011, called “Tag Suggestions”, a product of a research project named “DeepFace”. The feature compares newly uploaded photographs to those of the uploader’s Facebook friends, in order to suggest photo tags. which way oh facebook??

4. Privacy concerns
concerns about privacy led to the Quit Facebook Day
Quit Facebook Day was an online event which took place on May 31, 2010 (coinciding with Memorial Day), in which Facebook users stated that they would quit the social network, due to privacy concerns. It was estimated that 2% of Facebook users coming from the United States would delete their accounts. However, only 33,000 (roughly 0.0066% of its roughly 500 million members at the time) users quit the site. The number one reason for users to quit Facebook was privacy concerns (48%), being followed by a general dissatisfaction with Facebook (14%), negative aspects regarding Facebook friends (13%) and the feeling of getting addicted to Facebook (6%). Facebook quitters were found to be more concerned about privacy, more addicted to the Internet and more conscientious.

Already Facebook has been banned by several governments, including Syria, China, and Iran. if Mr. Zuckerberg and his men should keep going the way they are going, the fall of facebook will be great. and the eyes that see the ruins shall wonder. the ears that hear it shall tingle!

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