Can you do this for your Wife?

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If you visit your brother’s house, and you find him washing his wife and children’s clothes, and cooking for them.. What would be your reaction? Is it madness, or charm,or Love??photostudio_1475784421432
I know that such things happen, but very rarely! Here below is one such rare case..
Mr. Larry is from Okiti,in Aniocha North local government area of Delta state, Nigeria. He is the current President of SAED,At NNEWI camp.(a skill acquisition program initiated by the government for Youth corpers.
Anybody who comes across him will testify that he’s a renowned entrepreneur, and high ranking officer in Enugu State Ministry of Agriculture and development. He once worked with the former deputy Governor of Anambra state during the Ngige Regime,Chief Ugochukwu Nwankwo.
From the description of the man,you’ll understand that he is not a small man.
Sometimes I wondered how he managed to maintain the peace and harmony I observed in his family.I’ve seen him Play with his children, seen the way they loved and adored him.I saw to my surprise on one occasion I visited,that he cooks for his family. I secretly admired the man’s diplomacy,and dexterity in family management. I made up my mind I was going to pay him an unexpected visit and find out if what I thought I saw is actually true.
I made up my mind to pay him a surprise visit. I was determined to unravel this mystery, whether he’s just doing those things to show off,or it’s the real color of him.
As I entered,I saw the man of the house washing his wife and children’s clothes!!photostudio_1475783297313photostudio_1475783898515
I just stood speechless at the door.
“Mr. Larry sir,what are you doing???”
He laughed at the look of surprise on my face. “Come off it boy! I’m washing hahaha”.
I waited for him to finish washing before we went inside and I was ushered to a seat.I observed the rovers, not a single drop of dirt,everywhere was very well cleaned and neat.The house exhumed a deep freshness that reached deep into my traffic frayed nerves.
” I don’t understand.. ” I said after the exchange of pleasantries. “You’re are washing your wife and kid’s clothes..?”
He just laughed. “Yes that’s what I was doing. It’s not a thing of today,this is what I’ve been doing for almost 25years that I’ve sojourned in marriage”
How is such a thing possible, in this age and time? So we began to discuss:
Me: Mr. Larry,can you please tell me what’s behind this character,what is the motivation behind it?
Mr. Larry: well I love to help my family. As a bachelor, I did none of these things,but when I married, my love for my wife always moved me to come help her out when the housework got too much. It’d interest you to know that this is my second wife.I lost my first wife (may her soul rest in peace) about 6 years ago. But this woman was everything to me,was all I could ever have asked for. As if God knew how deep my loss was,he still gave me another woman with almost the same character. My first wife was a school teacher, this one is also a school teacher. Almost the same in every when I married my second wife,she inherited that love ,that I had for my first.That’s why you see me washing her clothes and helping her out in the kitchen. So love is the reason.Then also cooking has always been my hobby ,so it’s something I enjoy doing, more so for my wife and family.I don’t believe that the kitchen is only for women. A good home is as a result of collective effort.
Me:Mr. Larry sir,I see your wife feeding you ,and you feeding would have thought that after five years of marriage, the heat of the love would have died down..,but your romance seems to be getting stronger than ever. What’s the secret?
Mr. Larry: Well,to that I’ll tell you one thing, love doesn’t just exist,it’s built and developed.You don’t just meet someone today and tell me you’re in love with them,no.It is built over time, it is nurtured and brought to maturity, such that you experience an emptiness in you,in the absence of your father then, used to say that my wife is my handbag,because anywhere you see me,you see her too. I never get tired of her. I come from a polygamous family, and people would expect that one woman would hardly be enough for me..Lol I stayed 19 years with my late wife and never for one day crossed another woman. I’ve been with my second wife now for almost 6 years,and I still keep to her only. This is because of the love I have for the women in my life.There are many temptations out there, but I feel like if I should do it,I would be betraying my beloved and consequently my integrity.
Me: Wow.So how do other men react to this,when they see you helping your wife?
Mr.Larry: of course they laugh and jeer,but believe me,most of them envy us deep down in their hearts.I was called “woman wrapper”,” house wife” and other names like that.Sometimes if we are discussing, somebody would say,”Larry,your wife will soon call you to come and grind paper! ” We all laugh over it.It doesn’t move me.You’ve seen my home, how peaceful and organized we are, most of those men reign like dictators in their homes and most times you’d hear their women referring them to me.If loving my wife is being a “woman wrapper ” then I am happy to be able to “wrap” it well over these years of marriage.
Me: Don’t you think sir,that this “hand of fellowship” may bring some redundance and irresponsibility in your woman?
Mr.Larry : I know whom I’m marrying, it’s not a journey of today.

At this point his wife came in, and after the exchange of pleasantries, joined in the discussion.
Me: Madam,I count you one of the very few, whose honeymoon didn’t just end after wedding, whose love has resisted the storm that breaks down many marriages. I see you romancing your husband as if you both just started dating. What’s the magic that has kept this love so far?
Mrs. :The number one secret is God.He gave me another father in my husband. He’s so very loving and caring,and the best thing that has ever happened to me.If there’s such thing as next world,I’d still want to meet and have him.He’s a very understanding man,very open and generous with his family. If he has money, you’ll know. If his pocket is dry,you’ll also know.

Me: wow lucky woman (all laugh) Is there anything you see in your husband you don’t like?
Mrs. Larry: He’s everything any woman would ever desire in a man.Only that he is jealous at times (gives her husband a smiling glance)
Mr. Larry(interrupts) : if I may come in here Lol I won’t deny it. All men have a tinge of jealousy for women they love,and vice versa. It’s called “loving and protective jealousy” I love my wife very much. There’s a way a man would be talking to her,you’d not blame me if I start feeling jealous. I don’t want anyone to snatch you from me honey! (all laugh)
Advice to young and intending couples
Wife: The number one key is to put God first.As a woman be submissive to your husband. God didn’t make a mistake when he made man head over the woman.Then you must be truthful to each other,show your spouse, what you are,no pretense.If there are issues it’d be easy to sort them out together. Marriage is not a bed of roses,but it requires all hands on deck,it requires dedication. Invest in it,your time,energy and everything in you, and you’ll find it can be very enjoyable
Mr. Larry:
The problem today is that young people of nowadays can no longer tell love from lust and infatuation. Seek true love,not social status, or tribe or skin color. I’m not Igbo man,but my two wives now are Igbo, and I’ve seen in them what true love is.
Secondly no family is too good or too bad.It goes like a ship,however and wherever you steer it.Stop going around to look for who is bewitching your husband or wife.invest in your marriage,make it what you want it to be.

In conclusion..
What people do not understand is that a mansion on it’s own cannot make a home.Many people have big houses,fleet of cars,chains of businesses, but are still homeless. While a poor family can be living in shacks and make it into a happy home.It requires some understanding, love and sacrifice to build a peaceful home.You have to invest in a home,grow it like a child,to maturity. Because a home doesn’t just exist,it is grown and nurtured to a level where it can maintain harmony, to give peace to the mind.
It requires the joint effort of all the dwellers of a house to make it a home.
A home is where the soul finds peace,which bestows a sense of belonging to it. Is your house a home??

If you are touched by this family series, Or you are convinced your house is a home..Send us your story! Let people hear and know that a happy home is not an impossibility. Send your story or family pics for publication by email to [email protected]
Let’s see who the next family would be!

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