The Indomie (sharp-sharp) Generation

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After reading the book” Rich Dad, poor Dad”. As a young teenager I suddenly developed the urge and sudden fire to make wealth. I became so frustrated, but thank God for my Elderly neighbour in the market who called me aside and said to me ” This was how my son lost it all, son, don’t be in a hurry”. He went on to tell me the story of how the fast money mentality landed his first son behind bars.

​In our quest to earn money and better our lives, we’ve negotiated away our dreams and greatness at the altar of instant gratification. Just as our quest preacher then in Sec. School, he always called us the indomie generation- that generation who has refused to develop the patience, to nurture their Talents and skills for enhanced productivity. ​They want it Now and here, now now!!!!!

This message goes out to those young graduates, young hustlers who wants to better their lives, Don’t Rush, Don’t sleep either, just nurture those gifts and talents…….

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