This is a project work undertaken by Dr. John Joseph Okeke, Department of Zoology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, AWKA. he is a major in ecology and wildlife conservation. this is one of his many numerous works on wildlife conservation. check below after article to see link to his blog.
According to FAO/WHO (1983) for normal growth and development in humans, a total protein in take of 85.9g is required per day, out of which approximately 34g (39.58%) should be of animal origin. FAO (1983) estimated that the average protein intake in Nigeria is 54g of which 10.6gram (19.4%) is of animal origin. Longe and Fagbenro-Byron (1990) noted that the daily animal protein consumption of an average Nigeria, which is 15g per person per day against 54g per person per day for America, is grossly inadequate.
Efforts to improve animal protein production through management and feeding of conventional animals have apparently failed to improve or solve this problem of sub-optimal animal protein consumption (Madubuike 2000). Since human population grows at the rate of 3.0 – 3.3% per annum, while livestock population grows at the rate of 1 – 2% per annum, this sub-optimal animal protein intake may persist unless drastic measures/action are taken to boost animal protein supply from non-conventional sources…
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