1 minute, 33 seconds Read


Name: Evidence Anozie

Stage Name: AvyGuitar

Instruments: keyboard, bass guitar, lead guitar, drums, vocals

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Gospel Minister


Gistwheel: So what inspired you to start up this stuff you termed remixed2gospel ?

Avy: Well, In the bible Jesus made a statement saying he will command stones to praise him. My spirit got a meaning from that which is ” praise can be derived from anything no matter how rejected and unclean that thing is so far as it is from a heart of worship “. I then started bringing out beautiful worship and praise songs from different secular songs. I would have stopped if it wasn’t changing lives and touching souls, but it was and it is. I have gotten several testimonies from people and God has in turn blessed me from it. Thank you.

Gistwheel: How long have you been on it now?

Avy: About a year now but I made it public in August

Gistwheel: Do you see any future in this sir ?

Avy: Yes… I hope to produce an Album with them titled REMIXEDFORCHRIST.

Gistwheel: In the area of criticism and finance, what are the challenges you’ve encountered sir?

Avy: In the area of criticism, Surprisingly it was lesser than I expected and most of them understood after I explained… you don’t expect everyone to like you. If Jesus as perfect as he was had enemies even from the religious leadership who am I. Then financially it has been God supplying all the way. Still waiting for more blessings and sponsorship for the album.

Gistwheel: Is there anything you would like to add sir?

Avy: You can email me on [email protected] … follow me on twitter and instagram @ Avyguitar … subcribe to my youtube channel @ Avy Guitar and like my facebook page @ Avy’s guitar and vocals. Thank you.

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