Natural medicine: medicinal fruits and vegetables

2 minutes, 24 seconds Read

There’s this saying that our food is our medicine. What we eat, how we eat it and how much we eat go a very long way to influence the way we live. I have seen octogenarians that still run cross countries and do exercises and are even more physically agile than some youths. You can’t compare a person eating vegetables, fruits, and balanced diet to a person eating meat and soaking in liquor everyday.
God created each people in the geographical location and gave them different natural food ( and medicine) to sustain them in their different weather and climatic conditions.
Below are a group of fruits and vegetables and brief list of general medical benefits.
NB: This is not medical prescription, and currently carries no info that can be used as such.

•Protect your heart.
•Strengthen bones.
•Control blood pressure
•Block diarrhea.

•Prevent constipation.
•Help hemorrhoids.
•Lower cholesterol.
•Combat cancer.
•Stabilize blood sugar.

•Saves eyesight.
•Combats cancer.
•Protects your heart.
•Controls blood pressure.

•Combats cancer.
•Prevents constipation.
•Promotes weight loss.
•Protects your heart.
•Helps hemorrhoids.

•Save eyesight.
•Protect your heart.
•Prevent constipation.
•Combat cancer.
•Promote weight loss.

•Protects against Prostate Cancer.
•Combats Breast Cancer.
•Strengthens bones.
•Banishes bruises.
•Guards against heart disease.

•Lowers cholesterol.
•Controls blood pressure.
•Combats cancer.
•kills bacteria.
•Fights fungus.

•Protects against heart attacks
•Promotes Weight loss
•Helps stops strokes
•Combats Prostate Cancer
•Lowers cholesterol

•Save eyesight.
•Conquer kidney stones.
•Combat cancer.
•Enhance blood flow.
•Protect your heart.

•Combats cancer.
•Protects your heart.
•Helps stops strokes.
•Promotes weight loss.
•Kills bacteria.

•Heals wounds.
•Aids digestion.
•Guards against ulcers.
•Increases energy.
•Fights allergies.

•Combat cancer.
•Protect your heart.
•Control blood pressure.
•Smoothen skin.
•Stop scurvy.

•Controls blood pressure.
•Lowers cholesterol.
•Combats cancer.
•Strengthens bones.

?•Protects your heart.
•Promotes Weight loss.
•Combats cancer.
•Battles diabetes.
•Smoothens skin.

•Reduce risk of heart attack.
•Combat cancer.
•Kill bacteria(bactericidal).
•Lower cholesterol.
•Fight fungal infections.

•Support immune systems.
•Combat cancer.
•Protect your heart.
•Straighten respiration.

•Strengthens bones.
•Relieves colds.
•Aids digestion.
•Dissolves warts.
•Blocks diarrhea.

•Combat cancer.
•Protect your heart.
•Boost memory.
•Calm stress.

•Save your eyesight.
•Lift mood.
•Combat cancer.
•Strengthen bones.

•Protect prostate.
•Combat cancer.
•Lower cholesterol.
•Protect your heart.

•Lower cholesterol.
•Combat cancer.
•Boost memory.
•Protect against cardiovascular diseases.

?•Quenches thirst.
•Combats cancer.
•Conquers kidney stones.

•Protects prostate.
•Promotes weight loss.
•Lowers cholesterol.
•Helps stops strokes.
•Controls blood pressure.
•Fights dehydration.

•Protect your heart.
•Prevent constipation.
•Prevent diarrhea.
•Improve lung capacity.
•Cushion joints.

???•Battle diabetes.
•Lower cholesterol.
•Help stops strokes.
•Control blood pressure.
•Smoothen skin.
The list goes on and on, there’s enough fruits and vegetables around us to keep us healthy and active. God saw everything he made.. That they are good, and he blessed them.. For mankind.

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