Darwin Hobbs we worship you today mp3 lyrics and mp3 download

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you sure don’t wanna miss out on this super hit from Darwin Hobbs! feel the spirit of the praise,feel the move of the worship!

see the song lyrics below

[Verse: Solo]
In humble adoration we bow before your throne
As we come before your presence we honour you alone
So we lift up our voices as trumpets heralding you
You are the king of glory so this is what we do

We worship you today [x4]

Father how we love you today and we worship you just because of who you are
[Verse: Choir (Unison)]
In humble adoration we bow before your throne
As we come before your presence we honour you alone
So we lift up our voices as trumpets heralding you
You are the king of glory so this is what we do


[Chorus: Harmony]
We worship you today [x8]
We honour you today [x8]
We love you today [x8]
We seek your face today
We need you today
Hosanna today [x2]
We seek your face today
We need you today
Hosanna today [x2]

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