27 Problem-Solving Products For People Who Are Always Spilling On Themselves

[ad_1] 1. A stainless-steel wine stopper that’ll put a nice, tight seal on your half-finished bottle. It’s great for keeping your wine tasting fresh and delicious (for up to 10 days!), BUT it’ll also prevent disaster from striking when you inevitably knock it over while making cookies or something. amazon.com, amazon.com Promising review: “I bought […]

People Are Sharing The Characters You Don't Realize Are The "Actual Villains" In TV Shows And Movies, And It's True

[ad_1] Ever look back at a movie or show and realize the character everyone loved — or was supposed to love — was actually the one who was problematic AF? Well, for months now people on Twitter are reflecting on movies/shows and picking out the “actual villain.” NBC Here’s what they said: 1. Mean Girls: […]