Curriculum Development In Physical Education (Guest article)

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A curriculum is a set of courses, course work and topics offered in schools. A curriculum in simple terms is the aggregate of subjects/courses and topics that are being or should be offered in schools.
In Nigeria, poor curriculum implementation is a major problem. There is a great disparity between policies formulated by government and the actual implementation of those policies. Policy makers often vary from policy implementer, hence this gap becomes a problem in course of implementation.
It is not just restricted to the implementation phase, but also curriculum development in general. Having proper curriculum makes for a sound educational and academic sector because the students will be taught with respect to recent happenings and developments.
However , Nigeria is ladened by a number of problems when curriculum implementation is concerned. Here are some of the problems. The problems of developing a new curriculum in Nigeria secondary schools include:
1.Lack of teacher participation in decision making and curriculum planning. The teacher has a crucial role to play in the success of any educational program in the nation and as such should be in the center and take an active part in the planning and development of the curriculum. When teachers are not actively involved in the planning of the curriculum, a problem builds up since it is these teachers that interact with the students know what they need and in what proportion and actually make use of the curriculum.
Lack of sufficient finance: curriculum implementation is greatly down because full article

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