5 ways to prevent tearing during childbirth

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1.prepare your body
this is important that your body is prepared for the work of labour.
follow a healthy eating plan and if,your doctor gives you the go-ahead,include daily exercise in your routine during pregnancy.exercise improves circulation,which in turn improves skin elasticity,while good nutrition and hydration support skin and muscle health.

2.start squatting
squats will help prepare your pelvic floor muscles for birth,and strenghten your leg muscles during pregnancy.by performing a variety of squats you’ll have more endurance in your birthing positions.this allow gravity to assist with making the pelvic opening wider,giving your baby a bit more room to push through.

3.consider a waterbirth
water births are considered much less painful,because the warm water acts as a natural pain reliever it also helps to relax and calm the birthing mother during contractions.

4.choose the right birth position
the position you are in when pushing plays a big role in whether or not you are more likely to tear.
lying down or lying down with your legs held up,or semi-reclining positions,reduce the size of the pelvic floor and thus increase the likelihood that you will tear.the best position for birthing your body is the one you feel most comfortable in.but some of the least stressfull positions for the perineum include:
on your hands and knees
leaning forward in a supported standing,kneeling or sitting position
lying on your side

5.perineal massage
preparing the perineum during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of tearing in moms having their first vaginal birth

https://www.baby-chick.com/prevent-tearing -during -child birth/

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