What if they tell you it’s not possible?

2 minutes, 41 seconds Read

There is a very rare kind of savings account that most people in life usually overlook and make shipwreck in life. This bank account, believe me, never fails. This kind of account can fetch you opportunities that your money cannot buy. Are you interested in this bank account? Do you want to open it?

With pleasure, I introduce you to…
‘EMOTIONAL BANK ACCOUNT(EBA)’. Do you know that every man you meet on the surface of the earth has a potential to help you in one way or the other? People by ‘nature’ are selfish and will not be willing to give you anything for ‘free’. So how do you get from them. Very simple… You invest!!!

The human e-motion(energy in motion) is the greatest ‘human’ force resident in a human soul. If a man must favour you(outside divine intervention), you must be willing to invest in their emotion. Learn to take your eyes off yourself once in a while and lavish attention on people. People matter!!

What do people feel when they are around you? If that is not a concern to you, you’ll rarely make impact. Learn to invest in people’s emotional account. Learn to invest in people with your smile, laugh, love, substance, courtesy, time etc. People that change the world are people-focused persons… be one of them!
But then the question is,WHAT IF THEY TELL YOU,IT’S IMPOSSIBLE?
Let’s look at this.
The queue to the ATM machine was something else because we all wanted to withdraw money. Although there was another machine beside it, nobody moved towards the second machine. We had about 25 people on one single queue.

When my sis & I got there, I also went to queue but she asked one of the customers what was wrong with the other machine. ‘I don’t know’, he said, ‘… but somebody said there is no money in it’.

After listening to that ‘somebody’ tale, my sis told me to move straight to the machine everyone neglected and inserted my card. Lo and behold, the same machine ‘somebody’ said would not work, dispensed the sum of 25,000.

As we were walking away like
a magician, others who saw some cash I had withdrawn
broke away from the initial queue and rushed to that machine.

Why did I tell you this experience?

1. People don’t get something they need from somewhere because they refused to try.

2. People refused to try because ‘somebody’ somewhere said it won’t work.

3 The somebody somewhere may be an old authority who doesn’t believe in evolution.

4. People won’t take steps to do what others don’t do because of the ‘what if it doesn’t work?’ question.

5. People ask this question because they don’t want to take risks.

6. Those who don’t take the risk of checking if the other machine is working will remain on the long queue and may not even get what they need eventually. Meaning achieving in 2hrs what they could have achieved in 2min.

7. When a pacesetter comes and succeeds after ‘chesting’ the criticisms, others break ranks and follow him.

Therefore, stop believing ‘the somebody’ that asks ‘what if it doesn’t work?’

Ask another question: WHAT IF IT WORKS??

Never allow anybody to discourage you!

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