People Are Sharing The Worst Things That Happened To Them As Bridesmaids, And I’m Actually Taken Aback

[ad_1] We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the worst thing that happened to them as a bridesmaid. Here are the shocking results: 1. This handsy mom: “We wore strapless dresses. I didn’t realize my bra was showing slightly above my dress on one side, so the bride’s mother put her hand up my […]

Here Are 16 Really, Really Nice And Good Things That Happened This Week

[ad_1] Alice Yoo / BuzzFeed 1. This week, a geologist unearthed the ***VERY RARE*** Cookie Monster Geode!!!!!!!! Dr. Jacqueline Antonovich @jackiantonovich My kind of news day: “Geologist Finds Rare Formation Inside Rock That Looks Exactly Like Cookie Monster on Sesame Street” 06:57 PM – 23 Jan 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite Twitter: @jackiantonovich 2. This sweetness […]

People Are Sharing The Worst Scandals That Actually Happened At Their Schools, And It's So Dark

[ad_1] People on Reddit are sharing the biggest scandals and controversies that rocked their schools back in the day — and all I can say is…holy crap. Dhdezvalle / Getty Images It all started when Reddit user u/Lost-Warning-2588 posed a question to the internet: “What’s the worst scandal to happen at your school?” Halbergman / […]