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I met an evangelist last week,and she gave me a testimony that touched me deeply.
In the church where she ministers,her son-in-law came for Thanksgiving with a powerful sound proof generator.By the conventions of the church the gen belonged to her. She took the gen and made use of it throughout her stay in that location.
She was later transferred couple of years later to another Location and she took the gen with her.
She said to me, ” the spirit of God spoke to me. The spirit said it was wrong of me to have carried the gen with me,since it was given by my son-in-law( my own family) it belonged to the church there.At this time the gen was already developing faults and kept aside. The burden was so hard on my heart..I sent the gen for repair and had it refilled with gas. And sent it back to the church..”
It is hard to see someone be in such fear of God as to give up self and selflessly follow the instructions of the holy spirit. It is common these days to see people accept what favors them. This is a challenge. God is impartial!
Let those who have ears listen to what the spirit is saying..

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